There was recently a post on Forbes going around the Internet called “218 reasons to vote for Obama.” In the interest of fairness and equality I thought it would be helpful to provide 218 reasons not to vote for Obama, and unlike many of the exaggerated or deceptive or completely inaccurate reasons in the original list, I am providing linked citations for every one of my claims.
I tried to avoid sensational and activist blogs and websites and stick to reputable sources. I avoided distractions about birth certificates or quotes from Michelle; I avoided many strong philosophical disagreements I have with President Obama (with the major exception of #71); I avoided connections to Jeremiah Wright or Bill Ayers or anything in Obama’s past. I primarily stuck to things that Obama and his administration have done or not done from his presidential campaign through his first presidential term, highlighting the kinds of things that liberals hated about Bush but grudgingly accept in Obama. These are the kinds of things that I reasonably expect would continue with four more years of Obama, and as such are good reasons not to vote for him.
I am also emphatically not promoting Mitt Romney through this list, as I find little reason to believe that he would not also become guilty of most of the reasons outlined below. This is simply an attempt at an intelligent response to a silly, inaccurate list that was somehow important enough to get circulated around the Internet. I welcome criticism of this list but I ask that you apply the same level of analysis to the pro-bama list. (It’s true that Obama personally didn’t do many of these things, but he also personally didn’t do many of the things on the pro-bama list, and besides, they are still things that happened under his administration that would probably continue to happen if he was re-elected.) Shall we begin?
Foreign Policy
1. Continued the practice of indefinite detentions for alleged terrorists without review (link, link)
2. Dropped threat to veto NDAA (link) and signed it, encoding severe government power advances into law (link)
3. Announced “Withdrawal Plan” that leaves more troops in Afghanistan than when he started (link)
4. Authorized military intervention in Libya without the approval of Congress (link)
5. Did this after emphatically stating as a presidential candidate that the president did not have the authority to do that (link)
6. Defended intervention in Libya by redefining the word “hostilities” (link)
7. Revived “Prompt Global Strike” weapons system, considered too controversial by Bush Administration (link)
8.Announced a $60 billion sale of arms to the Saudi Arabian dictatorship, the largest arms deal in history (link)
9. Sold arms to abusive Bahrain regime and used legal loophole to avoid telling Congress about it (link)
10. Granted a waiver allowing four countries to continue receiving US military aid even though they use child soldiers (link)
11. Argued that the widespread use of Predator drones is a justifiable form of self-defense (link)
12. Claims ACTA could be ratified without Congressional approval and that it would override US law (link)
13. Ordered drone attacks in Yemen (link)
14. Ordered a cruise missile and cluster bomb attack in Yemen that killed women and children, suppressed the civilian casualties, and then imprisoned a journalist who revealed the truth (link)
15. Would seek international permission for intervening in Syria before consulting Congress (link)
16. Broke promise to reject the Military Commissions Act (link)
17. Continuing policy of maintaining thousands of troops at over a thousand military bases around the world (link)
Honorable Mention: Backed off on his promise to close the prison at Guantanamo (link) (Yes, I know you can blame Congress for this. But he backed away from it while Democrats still controlled Congress, and his promise to close Guantanamo was often cited as a reason to vote for him.)
Continue reading 218 reasons NOT to vote for Obama