“The Sandy Hook Shooting – Fully Exposed” is a YouTube video that has quickly garnered over 10 million views questioning the official story about last month’s elementary school massacre. In this post I will prove to you there has been a lot of deception surrounding this Sandy Hook Shooting video. This is a simple, logical post. No aliens, holigrams, rituals, or anything like that. Just facts.
Let’s make the story we have been told clear. According to the video, there were no children who perished at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012. People acting sad were unconvincing actors with holes in their stories and mistakes in their actions. The whole thing is a hoax, possibly perpetrated by the government or Illuminati to take away our guns.
If this is true, it is truly one of the most saddening conspiracies ever pulled off in the U.S. And after watching the video, you would have no reason to question it. The clips, the images, the background music, the sans-serif text, the misspelled words. Why would they lie about something like this? How could they pull off something so horrible?
More importantly, who could possibly have something to gain from something like this? Like everyone who watched the video in the last two weeks, I felt a chilling sadness. However, after investigating for myself, my sadness quickly became confusion, frustration, and disbelief, you are about to see why, this is a run-on sentence. Here are some things that show another side to that “Official Hoax Story.”
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